Handwritten log for Svalbard Dynasonde, 2011.
MTR dug into container. SKY board tests, like in Tromso.
About 1020UT removed West antenna preamp. New W ant preamp in 13:15 UT. No more strong audio tone below 2 MHz and less hiss. 20110220
Tried spare ADC card-faulty. It doesn't work in TOS or here. Moved Windows XP rack-mounted computer 'sounderxp' to container.
Power break. The new networked PC did not start up. BIOS settings wrong !
The networked PC was started up today, but still only noise seen. Probably on Dummy load still after power up. Tried fixing this from Peru but I got it wrong. 20110404
From 07:54 UT the dynasonde is working again. I got the program to switch to antenna by:
J:\anton.exe AntOn
in the c:\fais\start.bat file on the Windows XP machine (
The program anton.exe is in the directory c:\fais\ on the XP PC, and this is the networked drive J: on dyn PC.
Note that the amplitud.txt file from Svalbard has 6 values which is wrong. It should be 4. From 09:36 UT on 4 April the amplitudes should be correct, for 4 ants