Handwritten log for Svalbard Dynasonde, 2013.
I travelled to Svalbard on 14 Nov 2013- MTR
Put up the crossed dipole (S, E) which had fallen over (see photos) when ? This seemed to improve ionogram quality a bit, especially polarization. The strings and a vertical centre rod were removed from the crossed dipole and the west antenna where the centre rods had broken off. 20131117
Preparations for API experiment. 20131117
Attempted API experiment (mode 2) using Stein's electronic box, and SPEAR. Didn't work. Conditions probably. But also SPEAR cannot transmit the short pulses, neither 60us nor 120 us. Several soundings made (LR00001?.p_g to LR000017.p_g).
E antenna draws much current (>120 mA) and no signal. Change to 3-ant soundings (LYR_3.cfg) using only N S W.