Soundings in directory APR1997A of type *.p?? no. File Date start End (UT) --------------------------------------------- 1 TR001028.P_G 19970414 12:00:01-12:03:37 2 TR001029.P_G 19970414 12:08:01-12:09:55 3 TR001030.P_G 19970414 12:11:01-12:14:37 4 TR001031.P_G 19970414 12:20:01-12:23:37 5 TR001032.P_G 19970414 12:31:01-12:34:36 6 TR001033.P_G 19970414 12:40:01-12:41:55 7 TR001034.P_G 19970414 12:46:01-12:49:37 8 TR001035.P_G 19970414 12:54:00-12:55:53 9 TR001036.P_G 19970414 13:00:01-13:03:36 10 TR001037.P_G 19970415 09:29:02-09:32:37 11 TR001038.P_G 19970415 09:33:02-09:34:56 12 TR001039.P_G 19970415 09:42:02-09:43:56 13 TR001040.P_G 19970415 09:46:02-09:49:37 14 TR001041.P_G 19970415 11:37:02-11:40:37 15 TR001042.P_G 19970415 11:55:02-11:56:56 16 TR001043.P_G 19970415 11:58:02-12:01:37 17 TR001044.P_G 19970415 12:02:01-12:05:37 18 TR001045.P_G 19970415 12:26:01-12:27:52 19 TR001046.P_G 19970415 12:29:01-12:30:56 20 TR001047.P_G 19970415 13:33:01-13:36:37 21 TR001048.P_G 19970415 13:37:01-13:38:56 22 TR001049.P_G 19970415 13:40:01-13:43:34 Soundings in directory APR1997B of type *.p?? no. File Date start End (UT) --------------------------------------------- Soundings in directory MAY1997A of type *.p?? no. File Date start End (UT) --------------------------------------------- Soundings in directory MAY1997B of type *.p?? no. File Date start End (UT) --------------------------------------------- Soundings in directory JUN1997A of type *.p?? no. File Date start End (UT) ---------------------------------------------