Soundings in directory JUL1999B of type *.p?? or *.?p? no. File Date start End (UT) --------------------------------------------- 1 TR002805.P_G 19990713 21:02:09-21:07:17 2 TR002806.P_G 19990713 21:08:09-21:13:17 3 TR002807.P_G 19990713 21:14:09-21:19:17 4 TR002808.P_G 19990713 21:19:49-21:24:57 5 TR002809.P_G 19990713 21:25:30-21:30:49 Soundings in directory JUL1999C of type *.p?? or *.?p? no. File Date start End (UT) --------------------------------------------- 1 TR041147.IPG 19990721 18:47:58-18:51:19 2 TR170084.BPG 19990727 13:40:00-13:41:47 3 TR170085.BPG 19990727 13:44:00-13:45:47 Soundings in directory AUG1999A of type *.p?? or *.?p? no. File Date start End (UT) ---------------------------------------------