Notes on the dynasonde soundings on this disk (CD-TR016) The data are from the Tromso dynasonde. The soundings are stored in directories according to the month of recording. In some cases the soundings for a month are spread over more than one directory e.g. DEC1996B and DEC1996C. In the listings of soundings (files with extension .DIR) the dates and times were read from the soundings and should be as accurate as the dynasonde PC clock at the time of data taking. A few files which show a date as 19700101 have a corrupted time/date. The soundings are listed according to type in files B-MODES.DIR, I-MODES.DIR, K-MODES.DIR, P-MODES.DIR, as well as a total listing in LIST-ALL.DIR The CALIBS.DIR shows where calibration soundings (with file extension NOT *.?_? , usually of type *.?r?) are stored. The GAPS-x.TXT files show missing soundings (or repeated sounding numbers) for the four various modes of sounding (b,i,k,p).